Contranistas just released a fresh single that oozes progressive and cinematic tonality in the form of alternative rock spacious guitars and vast soundscapes.
The "Resistor" single is packed with lively drumming, colorful layers of textured guitar sounds and a brilliant bass tone that all come together and create quite an addictive and unique atmosphere.
All the while through a classic speak and spell is heard spelling out RESISTOR as the music swims around you and small crowds of children are heard having fun.
The song has a deepening and almost existential undertone that bleeds through and melodies are beautiful as they show face underneath each other.
This track really has a slightly engulfing vibe to it and its blend of sounds compliment each other while keeping that light alt-edge.
"Resistor" follows another recent single dubbed "Center Positive" which features the bands staple feels but also some gorgeous new melodies that feel warm and inspiring.
That cinematic vibe is very present in the bands over all signature style and those plucking guitars sound like rain with little hints of fuzztones peeking through.
Contranistas pinpoint these subtle builds into climactic and impactful sections that make you want to stand up and and so something. Anything. Just take action.
These guys are awesome and if you like one song you're bound to like them all.
Come take a swim with Contranistas rock blend.