In a refreshing new single release, Teku Syndrom displays an array of warmth and vibrancy through gorgeous and lush layers of soundscape and textures that collectively create something that delivers quite an impactful message through a passionate performance.
"Help Me Grow" is given from one person's perspective and done with plenty of heart and some emotional backbone that make the song attach itself to you.
The track is piano based but also feature guitars and a full band that sit just behind wonderfully delivered vocals and all together the song gives off a heavily cinematic vibe.
There's something moving about this song and it's that aspect that grabs hold of you and doesn't let go.
The instruments are played with soul just as the vocals are saying with soul, and everything feels almost like a live performance where the players are feeding off of each other's energies in a way.
This certainly feels like a love Song but maybe not in the way you might think. Maybe it's not as black and white as just being a love song. There certainly layers to be peeled back here and it's great to hear a single that comes with such layers.
You get a little bit of rock tonality through the guitars and the drums and that works really well alongside the piano since that instrument is played with such gusto. Keys are slammed and you can feel that dynamic and emotion in that performance just as much as anything else.
What's also quite nice, is the accompanying music video that goes along with the single. It's a lyric video which really helps you get a better understanding of where the song is coming from and more of a roundabout feel for what it's about.
The whole thing is done with a certain gracefulness and that's what helps the allure of it all.
It feels like it's coming from real life experience. Like it came from a chapter in someone's life and the only way to get it off of their chest was to sing about it.
Maybe that's the actual case. Either way I think this song is meant for us to not feel alone. I think it's supposed to be something to let us know that even when we can feel such heavy emotion, others have felt the same and we're not the first or the only ones.
I also think we definitely need more music like this. The kind of stuff that makes you think or feel, or both.
These songs aren't easy to pull off, but Teku Syndrom does it with a charm.