A new single from The Transits brings out a vivacious and lush blend of pop rock and a hint of dream pop tonality that peeks through during the verses that incorporates loud and full-bodied choruses that rock out and and undertone of vintage synth pop that adds an ambience and an element of edginess to the atmosphere of the song.
"Renegade Heats" feels like an instant classic and a lot of ways and for some will come through as an anthem which is the kind of thing you don't get that often anymore so when you do it's very refreshing and very eye-opening.
This track has an impactfulness and a vastness to it that is undeniable and the band's energy is so alive and breathing that it almost feels like this is something that was recorded live on the floor where the players are just feeding off of each other the entire time.
I love songs like this because it lets you feel almost like you're a part of it and there is something that actually does feel kind of nostalgic about it like it's served as a song that was part of a chapter of your life at some point.
One of the great aspects about the single is that it makes you want to see these guys perform live just because that energy is so good and you know the presence represented on the recording is probably even heavier and bigger in person.
This is a rock banger that hits all the sweet spots and is delivered with actual heart which is something you can tell from beginning to end along with the fact that these guys have a pure love for their craft.
There are so many people that would really love this track and if you do, then I would suggest to you check out the previous EP also released earlier this year as it shows little bits of different sides of the band's sound as well.
"Renegade Hearts" is it absolute powerhouse and is a near perfect example of a rock band that is paving their own way and putting out music with fewer boundaries in those before which I think is beautiful thing.
With the release of such a well-woven single we wanted to have a sit-down with The Transits to find out where this song actually did come from and what might be coming up next for the band.
Here's what went down.
Buzz Slayers: Okay, let's start with "Renegade Hearts"! This track was impactful and rocked out with a perfect balance! How did this single come about?
This one kinda came outta nowhere. It wasn’t planned at all, but we felt like releasing a slightly higher energy single after When you went away. We wanted something anthemic and driving. Renegade Hearts perfectly blends Punk Rock with a touch of indie. Lyrically this one hits home if you’ve ever felt outta place and haven’t really found your groove yet. It’s about celebrating your true self for all the quirks and chaos. The song is been well received and it’s joined When you went away on the South African Top 40. Pretty cool having two songs on the chart. We’ve also released a music video for Renegade Hearts which has a great visual representation of the idea.
Buzz Slayers: How did this all start for you as a band?
We’re a band that’s had two lives. The 3 of us started playing together at 15 years old which was some time ago.
Being in a band and learning our instruments was just an extension of our friendship and wanting to hang out to do cool shit. Then at some point we went off and formed other bands, moved countries and just grew as people. Cut to 2022 when we reformed as The Transits and immediately started writing and recording songs. It feels fresh and exciting. The creative energy and passion are as potent as ever.
Buzz Slayers: What kind of things really inspire songs for you?
Well that’s changed tremendously from when we wrote music as teenagers to where we’re at now. These days we write about real life experiences but for us it’s important to not spell things out too much. We want our songs to be open to interpretation. That way people relate to the lyrics in their own way.
Buzz Slayers: This single has some great styles on it! Can you give us some of your biggest influences musically?
Wow! That’s actually harder to pinpoint than you think. You could say some obvious references like Blink 182 etc but our individual musical tastes can be different from each other too. It’s this reason that brings in multiple elements from different genre’s into our music including punk rock, alternative rock, indie, synth wave and more. I’m sure if you ask each member they’ll give you a list of bands they draw influence from when it comes to the Transits.
Buzz Slayers: What are you all doing when you're NOT working on music?
Even though two of us live in New Zealand we’re are all born in Durban, South Africa which makes our extra recreational activities pretty extreme. Ryan enjoys kayaks in croc infested waters, Tyrone catches snakes and Dom loves swimming with sharks.
Buzz Slayers: Who's in all your headphones right now?
Ty – “I’m absolutely loving the new Depeche Mode album. I recently saw them and they were incredible.”
Dom – “Kennyhoopla. Love this guy’s super fresh take on punk rock”
Ryan – “Only The Transits, as I’m mixing the album right now”
Buzz Slayers: Are you doing any live performances right now?
Not at the moment but not ruling it out in the future. This is our biggest issue with being based in two countries – New Zealand and South Africa. Our primary focus at the moment is expanding our fan base by releasing music and captivating visuals through videos and imagery. It has been truly incredible to witness the emergence of new fans from unexpected places, with Germany, USA and Australia showing tremendous support.
Videos are a huge part of our ‘brand’. When possible we try and tell stories within the music video itself and they often have dialogue.
Buzz Slayers: Did you record yourself or hit a big studio for this?
We’re one self-contained band from writing to production we do everything ourselves. It’s much better that way. We don’t have make any compromises when it comes to our art. We all record in our respective studios and then send all the tracks to Ryan in South Africa. He’s our maestro and does all the production and mixing. We’ve worked really hard to define our sound so it’s great that we do it all ourselves.
Buzz Slayers: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
Lots and lots of new music, leading up to a full album later in the year. With that comes more music videos and we’re releasing a short film / music video in October so look out for that.
Buzz Slayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Really just a huge thanks for the support. It means the world to us to do what we love and the fact at people around the world enjoy makes it even better. Just incredible. If you are new to The Transits please follow us on our social and streaming channels to stay updated with new music and news.
Thanks again! Peace!