A new album release from Almost Always Never brings out a lush array of textures, soundscapes, and genre-blending that all come together to create a certain atmosphere that connects the songs together and creates something of a concept release and it's all done with a unique energy and a refreshing and almost eclectic approach.
The Hey, Disarray album is full of surprises lurking behind each corner but there's still this wonderful confluent tonality between all the songs and the wonder of this is that you don't really know what to expect next.
Each of the songs delivers different colors and tones, energy, and persona which lets you kind of dive in and swim through them all differently.
You can tell there was a lot of thought and attention to detail during the creation of this release, but it still never loses that character that's just packed into every single song.
My favorite thing about this record is how the album as a whole bends genres to its will and with that, you get something refreshing and along with that, you get a little bit of psychedelia involved especially in the production.
They certainly weren't afraid to experiment but when they do so they do it in a tasteful way so it's never really over the top.
This album is a perfect example of escapism in music and how we don't usually get to have that anymore.
This record as a whole especially, lets you get away from your own reality and step into theirs for a little bit, and believe me, it's a whole different world.
I think we need a lot more of this when it comes to music because it's almost like reading a good book or seeing a good film. It takes you away and then when it's over, you have to snap yourself back into reality again.
A lot of these songs stand on their own two feet as singles very well, but this is an album meant to be soaked in as a whole.
I know what you're thinking, who has the time right?
Well, you do. Listen to it in the car on the drive home from work. Pop on some headphones, chill out in the living room, and let this world sort of take over.
Either way, this record is best if you let yourself get immersed in it and engulfed because it feels good.
The atmospheres and textures that float around the song's ether are outstanding and the guitar work is intense and intricate but with soul and heart.
Some of this record actually feels quite theatrical honestly and that also is something a bit refreshing in itself.
Influenced by a plethora of musical styles, artists, and bands, this album encompasses such a crazy spectrum that you almost have to listen to it more than once to really grasp everything.
With such a beautifully built and arranged album, we wanted to have a sit down with Almost Always Never to find out exactly where this album came from and what might be coming up next for the band.
Here's what happened.
We are Almost Always Never!
Vocals: Amara Tankersley
Keyboard: Garron Tankersley
Guitar: Spenser Gomez Nelson
Bass: Riley Hand
Former Drummer: Cesar Lezama
Buzz Slayers: Okay, let's start with Disarray! This track had an almost theatrical feel to it for me and I love the color and character it portrays! How did this release come about?
This album is a collection of songs dating back as far as 2019. In late 2022 we decided to finally record an album, so we worked to develop a diy studio and began recording in April 2023. Over the next 4 months we recorded and mixed everything together and finally released Hey, Disarray on August 19th.
Buzz Slayers: How did this all start for you as a band?
Amara and Garron, our singer and keyboardist, started the band in 2019. Initially Amara would write the melodies and lyrics and Garron would design chord sequences to complement. The bands roster changed several times until they landed on a lineup with Spenser on guitar, Riley on bass, and Cesar on drums. Cesar left the band, shortly after finishing his amazing drum parts for the album, to focus on his career; so while he is not currently a member, he has had a major influence on the band we are today.
Buzz Slayers: What kind of things really inspire songs for you?
Amara writes all the lyrics and draws from her personal experience to craft most of our songs. She’s fascinated with the nature of human relationships and loves to use wordplay, symbolism, and imagery to create stories about them.
Buzz Slayers: This album has some great approaches to it! Can you give us some of your biggest influences musically?
We’re a little all over the place in terms of musical influence. Some major influences include bands like Spoon, Cloudcult, and fun. Genre-wise we try to aim for psychedelic, indie, and slightly grungy. Our members all have very different taste in the music they listen to personally.
Buzz Slayers: What are all you doing when you're NOT working on music?
Most of us teach kids!
Buzz Slayers: Who's in all your headphones right now?
Amara: Kainalu, Cherry Glazerr, Djo, Drugstore Romeos, Men I Trust
Spenser: Watsky, Rage Against The Machine, AWOLNATION, Tanukichan
Garron: The Bee-Gees, Daft Punk, Nicole Atkins
Riley: Anything Pop-Punk
Buzz Slayers: Are you doing any live performances right now?
We have a few shows this month! Friday Sep 8th at OT Circus for Art Walk, Sunday Sep 17th at Echoes, and Saturday Sep 23rd at the Prickly Pear Fest!
Buzz Slayers: Do you guys record these at a big studio or do you have a home studio set-up?
Home studio! :)
Buzz Slayers: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
Fun shows and some new merch!
Buzz Slayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Thank you so much for taking the time to listen. We couldn’t have recorded this album if not for all the people that came to see our shows and supported us. We love you!