A new EP release from Train Conductor delivers a refreshing blend of folk rock, blues, classic rock, and a lot more all rolled into a sort of soulful approach that is bursting with character and some outstanding guitar work throughout,
The Tongue Blanket EP is four songs in length spanning about 14 minutes or so and throughout that course, you get a wondrous variety of soundscapes that range from a little bit of a grungy rock tonality to a vaster and more expansive one and at times it even blends Jazz into the mix.
With all the amazing guitar work and inventive songwriting, it's still this very honest sort of lyrical approach that reaches out and grabs you the most.
You begin to understand that a lot of these songs came from someplace very real and that happens from the very first track.
This is something I absolutely adore because it makes things feel super authentic.
The record boasts such a robust and sort of lush soundscape at times but still keeps a little bit of a hint of that rock edginess while also keeping things somewhat smooth and cohesive.
The energy level is outstanding. It's almost like these songs were recorded live on the floor and everyone involved was just feeding off of each other's energies the entire time.
This element gives the record an alive and breathing sort of feeling and I totally dig that.
It helps the jam and almost psychedelic rock approach that they have in some of the underbelly of the record and that live energy and vibe is an important element of that.
There are a lot of layers that you can peel back throughout this four-track record and it's a lot of fun to do so because songs like I said earlier, can be very honest but you can also really rock out to them, some of them are danceable, and they all have such charismatic and vibrant approaches.
Some tracks are just absolutely massive and feel cinematic because of how vast they are.
I enjoy those too because all in all, it gives you quite an experience.
This is the type of release that you want to listen to from beginning to end because if you listen to just one single or maybe even two tracks from the record, you're not getting the full concept of it nor are you getting the range of what the EP has to offer as a whole.
I feel like that's really important because when the record is over you kind of have to snap yourself back into reality again because it has told you into this whole alternate universe for a little while.
It is as colorful as it is edgy, addictive as it is vivacious, and I feel like there's something just completely freeing about this record.
This is a perfect example of an EP that was created with fewer boundaries than the norm and I find that refreshing to be honest.
I also thoroughly enjoy how classic and vintage they made this record like it was born in the 60s or 70s.
I feel like that's part of the aesthetic of the record and that comes through with shining colors.
All in all, this was quite a brilliant and extremely fun record that had more than a few surprises around the corners and an addictive soundscape that creates an atmosphere you don't want to leave.
Take a deep dive into this record when you can and again, I urge you to listen to the whole thing because it's well worth it.
I'd even suggest doing so with headphones on so you can soak in everything that's happening on these tracks.
Dig into this record and remember where you heard it first.