A new single release from Scarlet Rain delivers an impactful and almost anthemic, classic arena rock and alternative rock banger that hits hard but also delivers memorable melodies and hooks that end up bouncing around in your head for hours after you listen to it.
"Detonate" wastes no time coming in swinging with impressive guitar riffs and an overall sonic drive that really hits hard.
The energy on this release is outstanding and feels like everyone in the band is feeding off each other right there, in the moment, so it comes through almost like the energy of a live performance would feel.
This gives the song an extra added edginess and punch, but the choruses are so huge, and the singing is so boisterous and powerful that this track has an almost classic cinematic backbone to it to me.
You can feel this track in your bones, and you can tell there was a lot of attention to detail during its creation; however, it's got this sort of heart that it portrays as well, and I feel like that adds to the character of the song which is something you get attached to right from the start.
You can tell this is put together by a band that absolutely has a love for their craft and when I say that I don't just mean playing their instruments and singing. I mean writing songs together that come through impactful so that people can feel something from them.
There is a huge vastness in the underbelly of this track which makes it sound even bigger and more and the guitar work throughout the entire thing is just ridiculous.
One of the things I love about this is the balance of energy between the vocals in the band.
It's like the band drives the vocals but also the singer drives the band.
Everything about this track has elements that complement each other.
There's a soulfulness portrayed especially vocally but there's also a massive alternative rock soundscape that lets the song push the envelope to where it needs to be.
You get a few surprises around the corner which is very cool along with some screaming here and there which adds to that heavier aspect.
This track is pretty heavy all in all but it also gives that melodic forefront so it does come through with a massive punch, but it also feels good to listen to because strangely it's kind of uplifting and makes you feel like you can take on whatever is coming at you.
I love the drumming too because the time signatures are slightly outside the box at times during the verses and then when the chorus is coming it's just an explosion, so they do a great job of making the song feel alive.
This comes back to that whole live performance energy again, but this is something I just can't get away from because it's such an infectious feel.
You pick up on that energy and it sort of drives you as well.
I definitely hear some of the classic rock influence in there and the vocalist at times makes me think of bands like Legs Diamond. You probably haven't heard of them but do me a favor and go check them out.
Now after listening to this track, I went through their back catalog a little bit and listened to some of their previous releases, and it does seem like this track is part of a bigger project like an album or an EP.
Each of the songs that are released have the same feel as they belong on the same record and also show the same artwork which tells me that this is an album or an EP that's released track by track. Now, I wouldn't listen to all the songs that I feel like we're part of this record and they're outstanding.
Listening to them all in a row makes you really start to understand the concept of what they're doing and also shows a little bit of different sides to how they write their stuff and to their character as a band.
I'm not going to suggest you just listen to this song. I'm going to suggest that you listen to the last six tracks because I think they all belong on the same release.
Now, having said all that, I'm not in the band. I'm not sure that this is the case. However, it certainly feels that way to me so you should take a listen and see if it feels that way to you as well.
Take a deep dive into these songs and get ready to sing along with your fists in the air.
Remember where you heard it first.