A new release from NepCali brings out a classic and aggressive hardcore and metal approach that lends itself to a more East Coast style even though the band themselves are based in Los Angeles and this is something I love because I grew up on the East Coast listening to a lot of hardcore and punk and these guys coast style as well and it's undertone so you get the best of both worlds when it comes to heavy, hard-hitting, heavy rock.
"Distraction" comes in swinging and wastes absolutely no time with all kinds of cool whaling guitar tracks and a trudging ref with the tone being damn near perfect for the genre and packing enough punch to get your attention to see the least.
The vocal approach is also right on cue because they come through with that brutal and also quite hard-hitting heavy approach and to me this is completely classic and gave me a little bouts of nostalgia here and there simply because I grew up listening to this stuff.
Now, I will say that there are a few surprises around the corners and that this track certainly does come through with a blend of other influences involved which is something that helps them create their own sound and I feel like this single, especially, speaks volumes for the band because it puts their sound into perspective and grabs your attention right from the start.
I love music like this and always have because it hits like a sucker punch to the gut but it also has heart and I feel like that's important with all kinds of music not just heavy music.
This track also has an amazing and electric energy to the point where it feels like it was almost recorded live on the floor and all involved were just feeding off of each other the entire time.
Even if I'm wrong about the whole live on the floor thing, listening to the track definitely makes you want to go see them live simply because if this kind of energy was captured on a record like this then seeing them live must be awesome.
And this is exactly the kind of vibe I want to get from a band like this. A band that represents hard and heavy metal and hardcore music that has something to say.
This track was fierce and fun at the same time and it's completely mosh pit worthy, and it also makes you want to sing and chant along with your fists in the air at any given moment.
This was a thriving banger from a band that I'm going to be paying a lot more attention to from here on out and I definitely can't wait to see what else they have next.
On that note, upon listening to this track I did take a little bit of a deep dive into their back catalog on Spotify and I'm glad that I did because these guys do have a flurry of awesome releases including a full album from 2021 which was their debut release I believe and a few other singles that followed it.
All of these tracks show a little bit of a different side to how the band writes songs and what influences them.
When I find a great heavy band like this that has this much character personality to it, I find it super fun to go and listen to their evolution as a band and this was a perfect example of what I look for.
You can definitely hear their evolution from their original release in 2021 all the way up to right now.
It's all well worth listening to especially if you're into hardcore and metal.
Check this track out and then go and listen to some of their previous stuff too cuz it's well worth it and don't be afraid to turn it up.
Remember where you heard it first.