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Manorofanimals Drops a Fresh New EP

A brand-new EP from Manorofanimals gives off a lush and flowing indie pop soundscape that blends with classic and almost vintage '90s pop at times but also brings in contemporary undertones, soft jazz, and this vastness that lets the songs feel a little bit expansive at times.

The Cannonball EP definitely showcases the artist's ability to create colorful and harmonious singles that each have a little bit of a different side that they show but all have this confluence between them that lets the EP stay glued together perfectly.

I love the vocal harmonies that are done at times on the record because that's what adds such a robust sort of color and lushness to it a lot of the time along with these great keys and tones and other instrumentation that also floats around in The Ether of the songs giving them that more ambient atmosphere but this leads into a sort of dream pop element and that's only one part of what the EP produces.

This is an EP that you want to listen to from beginning to end all the way through because just catching a few tracks doesn't really give you the feel for what the entire thing has to offer and I'm sure that you have the 15 minutes to do so.

The beats are what give it that classic almost 90s underground pop tonality because they're just perfect and the aesthetic here is nailed in terms of blending that classic feel with a current and refreshing Indie pop soundscape but the way the songs come together is very well balanced because of how they were arranged.

These are fun and have a forward moving flow to them while letting you sort of get engulfed in everything that's going on and eventually washed away with it as well.

There are some experimental sides to this and a little bit of psychedelia as well which add to the blend of pop tonalities that the record gives off along with these vibrant Vibes that still have a subtlety to them so that the record has that softness.

The way the vocals are used a lot of the time on the record is almost like an instrument themselves and I really like that because they add layers and layers of texture and melody to these songs so that there are a lot of chunks that stick in your head for hours after the songs have ended and the only way to actually satiate that is to go and listen to them again.

So, you do have a lot of catchiness and pop overtones going on but there's also personality, character, and a certain breed of honesty as well which you end up enjoying quite a lot.

There are a few surprises around the corners of course and I love that as well but all in all this record is a bit of an escape and when you're done with it just 15 minutes long, you still have to sort of reacclimate yourself back to reality again.

This to me is like a gift in music and doesn't come along often so when you hear it here, it's very refreshing and sometimes even rejuvenating in a way.

There's also this sort of vintage undertone in the keys in the synths that are used so that you have little hints of nostalgia that hit you here and there and I really enjoyed that aspect as well.

I can tell this is created by someone that has a real love for the craft of building songs and putting them together so that they are lush and have a very interesting and unique sonic presence.

I definitely adore the set of influences that must have inspired this to happen because those influences peek through here and there in different ways and forms throughout the records play through and the whole thing has a way of wrapping itself around you and keeping you right where it wants to.

This was an endlessly enjoyable EP and speaks volumes for the artist in terms of creating pieces of music that keep you not only entertained but have great grooves, color, character, and kind of rebalance the structure of indie pop as a whole.

Take a deep dive into this one as soon as you can, and I suggest doing that with headphones on so you can really soak in all the layers that are happening and remember where you heard it first.

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