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Mandy Brooke Delivers a Hilarious but Real Pop Banger

A hilarious new single from Mandy Brooke delivers an edgy and unique brand of humor in the form of a bright and colorful pop song that comes through with so much character that you can't help but get attached.

"Orthopedic Hoe!" comes right in swinging and one of the best parts about this is that to a lot of people, it's actually totally relatable. It's hard getting older and Mandy expresses that struggle in the funniest way possible.

She comes right in talking about how she misses looking like a hoe and that she needs shoes that are good for her feet but still look overly sexy. 

Her whole approach to this is unstoppable and just thrives with presence as an artist because I think it's actually kind of amazing how she takes such a humorous approach to this track and how she still nails this pop song like it should be on the radio.

If I were her I would send this to Weird Al Yankovic right away.

The music is produced extremely well and has a bright Sheen and polish to it that does indeed make it quite radio-friendly and the chorus is actually such a massive hook that it sticks with you for hours after you've listened to it.

All my friends who are women over 40 need to hear this song stat.

This was an absolute free for all but it was done with a lot of attention to detail and you can tell that she had an absolute ball doing it.

There are vocal harmonies all over the place, classic hooks, and this electric energy that is infused with this character in the song and you just can't turn away from it.

It's been a while since I've heard something this fun and this colorful. I adore artists and musicians who don't take things all too seriously and still put together memorable songs.

It seems Mandy is on a mission to create music that is actually quite catchy but still extremely funny and in this case it works so well that it's completely charming and it makes you want more.

Upon listening to this track I took a little bit of a deep dive into her back catalog on Spotify and it seems that this track is really one of her first extremely humorous ones.

You can hear little hints and elements of humor and some of her previous stuff but most of it's a bit more serious but still amazingly good pop music in general.

I would actually suggest listening to some of her previous stuff too including her 2019 Hammer EP which is excellent.

A lot of our previous stuff infuses a more R&B undertone with the pop overtones and it works well but "Orthopedic Hoe!" is on a whole different level not just because it's funny but because it's a straight, catchy, pop banger.

This was a very well-woven song and I'm super glad to hear something that comes through with such incredible energy and pop polish that also managed to be completely hilarious at the same time.

You can absolutely dance to the song, sing along, and have a ball right along with Mandy.

And again, for a lot of us out there, this makes perfect sense. It's just talking about something that we've thought about but don't exactly know how to articulate it in such a way that Mandy did.

The artist will be performing on the 17th of this month and we've included a link to grab a ticket in case you're in the area.

Trust me, it'll be a good time, I'm sure.

Remember where you heard it first.

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