A new single release from Jo Kendrick has a particular way of delivering these inner thoughts that come spilling out. Throughout the course of the track itself, you start to become haunted by the combination of that honesty, and the soundscape of it all.
"Shadows" definitely has a bit of a dark edginess to it and that goes for both music and lyrics as it comes through almost like an industrial track blended with a 90s alt-pop style. That combination creates a particular atmosphere that you get pulled into.
There are several layers of textures going on and these waves of intensity come and go as the chorus approaches. Things get a little edgier, heavier, and grittier.
I feel like this is a track that may have even been cathartic for Jo to write and release simply because of how incredibly honest it all is.
I think there's a level of bravery it takes to lay this kind of thing out and be able to express it in such an open fashion.
It's most certainly quite relatable to a lot of people. For me, it's just about any kind of personal struggle. It's about fighting through those struggles, getting knocked down, and getting back up again. It's also about questioning how many times you can get back up.
When mistakes are made are lessons learned? Do you apply those lessons later on in life and similar situations?
There's definitely a lot of questions involved but for me, it's about her, struggle, and getting back up after all of it
Piecing yourself back together in a certain sense and moving forward.
So, having said all that, this was something I could relate to.
But then, this is something a lot of us can relate to. We may not all have the ability to articulate that like this the least that it does is that you feel like you're not alone in whatever struggle you're going through.
This is supremely important. You have to be able to take this music for what it is.
Jo did such an outstanding job of expressing yourself here and doing it in a way that it comes through with the same kind of pain that was felt during the heartbreak, or the struggle.
Let's face it. It has been said many times. The best art in the world is created from pain.
The song has a beat that lets it keep to a forward-moving flow but there are since and keys involved that grow and then exhale back down to a calmer aesthetic and this gives the song that alive and breathing sort of feel.
There are some experimental aspects to it as well of course. Some of those since and beats do get quite out there towards the end of the track, but it all has this very vast and spacious underbelly to it.
This kind of made it cinematic in a way. I enjoy that aspect quite a lot because you can get engulfed in this kind of thing very easily.
This was a track that let a lot out. I'm sure it took plenty of time to put together but no matter what kind of attention to detail went into the creation of this track, it has a lot of personality. That is exactly what you end up latching on to.
It's the character, the sentiment, the personality, and the honesty that wrap themselves around you and keep you right where they want to.Â
The music sets the mood. And that mood matches the lyrics so incredibly well that you can feel it in your bones.
A very vulnerable single release from Jo Kendrick, do yourself a favor and listen to "Shadows".
When you do, listen to it with headphones on because it's honestly one of the best ways to soak in all the textures and layers floating through the ether of the track.
Upon listening to this song, I listened to some other stuff that she released previously on her Spotify page, and it was astounding. You can hear many other influences coming through but still that same brand of honesty.
I would certainly suggest checking out songs like "Hole" and Rag Doll" after this one.
There's plenty to soak in.
Check it all out when you can and remember where you heard it first.