A single release from Chainsaw Rainbow delivers a very spacious and vast rock approach that balances grungy tonality along with a shoegaze feel with vocals that are sort of drippy and bendy along with guitars that have a heavier distortion on them and the combination of those two elements brings out something that feels kind of cinematic in a way.
"Luv Battery" brings to mind certain kinds of underground late 90s and early 2000s alternative rock songs because it takes that guitar tone and sort of sonic drive and builds it into this more expansive and dream-like state which to me is engulfing and by the end of it you are just washed away with everything.
This is definitely different but shows a rare breed of character and I think that that's one of the things you end up getting attached to so quickly with this track.
I definitely adore the blend of edginess and color that this all delivers and how at times things feel almost Haunting in a sense because the vocals have those long held out notes that band up and down.
There's a lot about this that is experimental and even psychedelic and you can tell there's a range of influences that brought this to fruition and inspired the whole project in general.
This is and would be normally just considered shoegaze to an extent but there's more to it and if you grew up listening to certain kinds of bands then you will understand what I mean.
That psychedelia in the undertone and that experimental Vibe is really strong on this track and the influences reach back past those 90s underground bands into bands of the 70s and earlier.
This is a perfect example of an artist that is releasing music with fewer boundaries than the norm and to me that's brilliant because music should be about being vivid and not following or conforming to everything that's happening musically already.
This has a vibrancy to it and a spaciousness that wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to.
Took a little bit of a deep dive into the back catalog of Chainsaw Rainbow and I'm glad that I did because there are a ton of single releases along with some eps and full-length records that are just outstanding and all of them show these different sides of Sonic drive and tonality along with a little bit of spirituality, cinematic backbone, and a lot more.
This is a project that you want to take a swim through because listening to a lot of this catalog is like a massive escape and most of it has the ability to pull you away from your surroundings and put you in different places altogether.
Something like that to me, is like a gift in music because it's so rare that when you do get it it's strangely rejuvenating in a way.
This single is a really great introduction to some of what you can expect to hear and it's unbelievably fun to step into the chainsaw rainbow world for a while.
A lot of this music is sort of heavy, sort of vast, sort of edgy, but also graceful and can really swim around in the air that surrounds you.
This stuff causes memories of your own to pop into your head at random and I really love that connective aspect as well.
This was unique, driving, dreamy, and a unique combination of genres that wheeled me in and gave me bouts of nostalgia here and there.
Listen to this with headphones on especially if you go through the back catalog which again, I strongly suggest you do if you dig this track.
Remember where you heard it first.