A brand-new single release from Carmie has a way of delivering bouts of truths and honesty with such detail and description that you can feel them in your bones and throughout it all, she gives a genuine aesthetic that you can tell came from someplace very real for her.
Her lyrical approach wraps itself around you and the performance gives the emotional push behind it.
"Talk To Me" can be taken in a few different ways but to me, it feels like a relationship with someone close who is struggling to express themselves and they're hiding within themselves and not talking about what they need to let out.
It's a feeling we've all had. We have someone close to us who is going through something and want them to let us know how we can help. We want them to know we can listen if that is what they need.
Carmie expresses this with such detail in the song but from such a personal perspective so that you get a feel for the character behind who she is and again, that emotional drive that the song was built from in the first place.
This was delivered with an outstanding pop coating. There are elements of vintage '80s synth-pop in there with the keys and synth tones that are used for the choruses. Some of those keys even actually serve as musical hooks which is something I absolutely adore.
The whole thing came together with a subtle contemporary feeling pop approach but it's so heartfelt it's so genuine that you can feel that authenticity flowing through the veins of the song right from the start.
Maybe this was even cathartic for Carmie to write and to release into the world. This was her way of letting all those inner thoughts and emotions spill out because she needed to get it off of her chest.
This is a beautiful song and such a raw form of expression in terms of not being able to keep those thoughts or feelings bottled up. Having to let go of them even just for herself was super important for her own healing from whatever was going on.
This was impactful for me. I think that others who listen to the track and have gone through similar struggles or even just normal relationship struggles, can relate to this song and not feel so alone.
That's the beauty of music like this. At times of struggle, we hear songs like this, and we feel like we're not so alone.
We need more music like this in the world. Music that is genuine, still catchy, and has a great pop approach. You can still hear those musical influences shining through left and right, but it also has an important message to send—a message that people can really relate to and understand.
She captures a really beautiful aesthetic and energy throughout the song that breeds this sort of lush pop atmosphere but never loses sight of the message, the heart or soul, or its purpose.
Upon listening to this single I absolutely became a fan immediately which led me to a release from last year called " Cigarettes & Shots" that also delivers a massive amount of Storytelling description and personal approach right from the get-go.
I feel like this is part of her style. Letting such description out and keeping it super personal while giving songs a cinematic backbone and a load of honesty.
If those are her staples, then count me in.
Either way, listen to this track and some of our other releases because it's more than worth your time.
Remember where you heard it first.