A new album release from Jobe Woosley & Co. delivers a refreshing set of songs that bring together a rustic singer-songwriter and folk approach with an indie pop and almost dream-esque undertone and the soundscapes of it all feel orchestrated and Lush so that you end up getting washed away with everything you hear and it's all quite beautiful.
The Return to Saturn album is packed with certain kinds of surprises around the corners which is refreshing but it also comes along with a unique character that you end up getting attached to very quickly and this is something that's really important with music like this.
When you put out a record like this it's got stories to tell, and it's got emotional drive to it so all that turns into character and that's what you need when you are putting out songs that have meaning and purpose.
The record consists of both electric and acoustic guitar as a backbone, but it also delivers a vastness with strings, drums, and just this beautiful atmosphere that's created so you can fall right into it.
As a matter of fact, this record is so much of an escape that it pulls you away from your surroundings for a good little chunk of time, and that in itself is like a gift in music.
At times you get the vibe of a live performance because of the energy that is contained in certain songs and how it's put out in these bursts along with just this almost fantastical undertone and a very cinematic feel.
You can certainly hear some of these songs in the scene of a film or TV show easily and the honesty that's given feels almost like you're listening to stories around the campfire or you're sitting with a friend who's telling you about these different chapters in his life and that's part of why this is such a great escape.
Something about this record feels connective almost like it's a concept album of sorts and even if that's incorrect and it wasn't meant as a concept album, the song still feels like chapters in someone's life and you're reading it in a book or watching it in a film.
It gives you that same sense of escape where you're in someone else's head for a little while and that is a very unique approach that has to be delivered properly to work and it's really put out with a gorgeous tonality throughout this record.
I love how certain songs can go from a stripped-down type of feel to this big robust and full band approach and how certain songs start one way and end another because this gives you the feeling to sort of expect the unexpected to an extent.
The vocals are performed with such a great passion but also that persona and this is something that lets the entire vibe of the record wrap itself around you and keep you right where it wants to.
There's also something almost nostalgic about the record but not musically exactly.
It's hard to put your finger on but it almost feels like some of these songs could have served as the soundtrack to certain chapters in your own life and that is a wonderful connection.
This was a very well-woven record that had heart, character, and beautiful energy and feels like even those songs are so memorable that they bounce around in your head for hours after they're over, it still felt a little outside the box at the same time.
Definitely take a swim through this record when you can because it just feels warm and welcoming and remember where you heard it first.