The latest single release from Thy Behest is full of drive and color, but it's delivered with a particular level of edginess that breeds a cinematic backbone, and blends outrun with fresh approaches and a bit of a high-octane approach.
"The Crawler" is an insanely addictive track that utilizes a gritty and forceful synth tone that is really what gives the song that drive that takes classic synth wave and outrun style to a different place because it's got a little bit of a dark and almost haunting edginess to it.
This track has outstanding production but also a really smart way of sort of building and growing as it plays through so while the track unfolds you start to become engulfed in the actual layers of sound and textures that it gives off.
This is a fast-paced track that packs a lot of punch in all the best ways. However, it also has this element of vastness that lurks just beneath the surface, which helps with its cinematic feel.
As the track keeps going on the synths build, more layers of keys and synths coming to play, organs start filling the space in the background giving even more of that slight haunt and eerie underbelly, and the whole thing begins to build an atmosphere that you really get engulfed in.
This was a really addictive and fun track that gave me little bouts of nostalgia as I love classic synthwave and you can tell that this was influenced by some of that stuff as well.
If you are fans of artists like Carpenter Brut for example, then you will fall right in love with this track. It's got that grittiness and harsh sort of tonality to it but still comes through crisp at the same time.
This was insanely fun, and I love how there was so much attention to detail during its creation, especially in terms of the arrangement and how the song has these swells and sways of intensity as it plays through.
This was well thought out and very well produced but it also had this natural flow to it at the same time and of course this incredibly danceable element to it but really it was robust, vivacious, a little bit rambunctious, sharp, and a little bit dark which obviously was part of the theme of the track seeing that it's called "The Crawler".
An amazing use of synth and key tones throughout this song really made it a brilliant piece of work and the energy keeps pace as the soundscape of everything wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to.
Upon listening to this track I took a bit of a deep dive into the back catalog of They Behest and I'm certainly glad I did because there's a ton of outstanding electronic music to swallow up and all of it shows little bits of different sides to how the production is done, the synth sounds that are used, and different fields of inspiration that come with that.
A lot of the releases are driving and have crazy sounds and textures throughout them that also have a bit of that ambient undertone and loads of punch and character.
I think that's important as well. A lot of these songs actually do have a certain level of character to them and the beauty of music like this is that if it's done well like it is here, then it lets your mind start going off to different places.
The music sets the tone, and your mind will go where it will, but all of this stuff is really well put together and works so well in a cinematic sense that it can fit in scenes of different films.
This was all brilliantly composed and executed so I would definitely suggest not only listening to this single but going back and listening to some of the recent releases previous to this one like "Neon Mirage" which is just outstanding all the way through.
Don't just take my word for it though, dive into this stuff and if you're a fan of synthwave, outrun, electronic, or anything that's got a bit of edge to it, then you're going to love this.
Honestly, even people who are into heavy rock and metal will like this stuff.
Have a good listen to this stuff and remember where you heard it first.