If you are not yet too familiar with the musical soundscapes of Tides, then let us be among the first to introduce you as the group has released called Between The Lines, and the record spans several rock genres from indie, to hints of alternative, and manages to boast this bit of 90s rock aesthetic throughout it all.
This album feels like it comes from someplace genuinely and you can hear a lot of the honesty coming through with many of the tracks which is something that gives it a lot of character and in turn is part of why you end up connecting with the record on certain levels.
There are some experimental aspects, especially in terms of the guitar work, which is outstanding throughout the entire album, but you also have this amazing energy that the band encompasses so that those songs come out with a little emotional backbone but also with a robust and slightly edgy tonality.
Some of these songs do feel like tracks that came straight from the mid to late 90s in the rock scene and the hooks and courses throughout them are ones that are quite memorable to see the least.
One of my favorite things about this record is the way that it jams out. Some of these tracks give you that live performance vibe because there's some jamming going on with the guitars and the entire band.
The drumming gives that little bit of force because they're hit kind of hard and are super tight but the whole record has this pristine production to it as well that makes everything just feel huge.
Not a lot about this album is over the top but instead, it is balanced very well tonally and textually.
The record is 12 tracks in length and is well worth listening to from beginning to end as there are a few surprises around the corners but really there's just a lot to offer from listening to the full record.
It's one of those albums that feels like one that you would get back in the day and when you listen to the whole thing you get a great experience along with it.
This was an outstanding rock record that brought together genres seamlessly and balanced out character, personality, a little vivaciousness and vibrancy, and edginess so that you have songs that are a bit impactful and can feel slightly cinematic at times because of some of the emotion that comes through.
One of my favorite bands is Pearl Jam. There's something about these guys that makes me think of bands like that. That aesthetic and feel is right there when you listen to this record, and you can tell that some of those kinds of bands were certainly influences on them.
Tides is a band from Venice, Italy and began their journey in 2019 originally.
The album has some powerhouse tracks with a lot of gusto, a lot of super memorable guitar sections, tones, and riffs, and some of the songs also have slightly southern undertones and come through as ballads.
I certainly dig the way that the record ebbs and flows. You have these great vibrant rock bangers but then you also have these way more personal-sounding tracks in there too and the blend of those elements is brilliant.
Partially because you don't expect it after listening to the first chunk of the record.
They do encompass a great span of influences but in order to grab onto all of those, again, you have to listen to the full record not just a few tracks.
I would definitely check out this whole record, it's something that you'll end up getting attached to pretty quickly.
Once you listen to the very first track on the record, I think you'll be pretty hooked, and you'll get the vibe of that 90s rock approach that I mentioned earlier.
The thing is, if you dig that song then you're going to do a lot of the other tracks on this record if not the entire thing so, go ahead and listen to it in full.
I'm sure it was the way it was meant to be listened to.
Check this one out and remember where you heard it first.