A brand-new single from Bgbgb brings out a combination of hip hop and R&B styles that have a bit of a pop undertone along with this upfront sort of honesty that helps really create the personality for the song and where it's coming from and this in turn, is what you end up really grasping onto.
"Pax" is a track that incorporates a sort of smooth set of synths and keys that give everything an ambient underbelly, but it also creates an atmosphere that lets everything wrap itself around you.
People can take this song differently depending on who they are but to me, it's more about handling certain kinds of people and how they let you down in different ways.
It's kind of like rising above and being better than the other so that you can just be at peace and take the high road.
I pick up that vibe a lot from this track and throughout its unfolding it becomes more and more evident that this track and may have been written specifically for somebody.
There's a lot about this track that comes through very relatable for me because I feel like a lot of us have been in similar situations but of course we don't really have the capabilities to articulate our inner thoughts or emotional drive into words let alone words and music which is what artists like this are here for.
Not only is it relatable but it kind of makes you feel like it's okay to struggle with certain things because you're not alone and having those inner thoughts yourself.
The musical aspect of the track blends an old-school and a new-school feel together which is a little bit of a staple in the sound of Bgbgb and the vocal approaches are outstanding here because not only does it have honest rap sections but it also has a massive sort of chorus and hook where he's hitting these high notes and holding them to the point where that vocal becomes more like an instrument itself.
This is one of the things that really hit me about the track and got me hooked. I just wasn't expecting it, but it felt good to listen to.
If you understand the song the way that I did, then it has a weird way of putting you at peace yourself and it feels sort of calming in a way.
This song has a way of getting under your skin and all the best ways possible and by the end of it you become not only engulfed in it, but you end up being washed away with everything as well.
I took it as a cleansing of sorts, and it felt good that way.
I think that this is a step and a great direction for the artist and being familiar with some of his other releases I think that this was very upfront and super honest which again, gives it a personality that you can understand and relate to.
This was a gracefully performed track that had a wonderful message to it, and I feel like there's a consciousness about it that people need to hear.
Have a listen to this track and see if it affected you the way that it did me.
While you're at it, don't forget to check out the record released late last year called It Should All Work Out in the End.Â
This album also gives you even more of a sense of who the artist is as a person and how he approaches his musical artistry.
Remember where you heard it first.