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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

An Engulfing Single Release From Firewalker

A new release from Firewalker has a creeping cinematic undertone to it swelling since that float in the atmosphere of the track while a seamless hip hop flow builds into a chorus that hooks you right in and it's all done with an outside the box approach which works like a charm.

"Euphoria" is an absolute Bangor that does it in such a subtle and sneaky way that before you know it, you're engulfed in this track and its entire vibe.

This release features some really wondrous set of textures and keys that go along with a lush percussion which all balance out really perfectly along with the vocals which feed off the energy of the track extremely well.

This whole thing breeds its own style and has this ability to kind of take you to a different place all together.

This aspect of it is incredibly cool because not only does this song have swagger to it but it also has an almost fantasy-like element that keeps you embedded and attentive to what's going on.

This track is almost like a form of escapism and is able to take you away from the world and give you something to Envision as the song rolls out which is great because it's like a good book.

You fall into it and once you become a part of this track and this world that it takes you to, you really don't want to come back out.

Of course, you have to and when you do, you have to kind of shake this off to be able to get your footing again.

I love this aspect about the song because you don't always get that with different genres of music, but Firewalker is able to pull this off without a hitch which is pretty impressive.

Being able to portray this conscious and almost hypnotic hip hop flow while also obtaining that dream mask and floaty sort of experience musically is really something that grabs at you.

Firewalker is an amazing combination of Shane and Moon Williams who together are able to produce an experience that will surprise you but also become infectious.

This is a forward thinking, slightly outside the box and very envelope pushing single and with it we see such a bright introduction and also a future to be paved in the realm of Hip Hop.

This is the kind of stuff that we need right now and not just in Hip Hop, but other genres as well. We need forward thinkers and musicians that don't set boundaries around them when they release something.

Firewalker is like an example of exactly this and their combination with producer Nate Fox enabled them to open the floodgates.

You definitely look incredibly forward to hearing more from this group in the near future.

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