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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

A Massive Release from Forest Hall

A new album release from Forest Hall delivers a wide variety of pop and alternative rock with blends of grunge and plenty of layers of atmospheric undertone and vastness at times that's all delivered with this character that you find yourself getting attached to right from the get-go.

The You'll Take On The World album has a way of blending genres together with such a natural and seamless approach and it has a spirited and almost live performance energy to it that feels like the players are feeding off of each other's energies the entire time.

By the time you get halfway through this record, you begin to expect the unexpected as there are elements of so many styles and approaches but somehow, they still have this staple feel to the record and the band that sticks.

This release definitely has some experimental tonalities and the guitar work across the board is outstanding not just riff wise, but they have elements of jazz, '90s radio rock, underground alternative rock, and loads more just rolled into one massive record and there's something slightly nostalgic about it to me.

They're definitely more than a few surprises around the corners of this record and they're all pleasant ones with soundscapes you didn't expect but the way that the album is laid out gives it these breathers here and there so that you never listen to something too similar to the last track you heard.

There's even a little break halfway through the record and when it comes back the record gets even better in my opinion/

There are tons of catchy hooks and choruses that a lot of the stuff ends up bouncing around in your brain for hours or even days after the songs have ended and to me, that's just smart songwriting because the only way to satiate that is to listen to the record again.

The guitar tones or slightly different depending on what approach they're going to take on the song and this shows that there's a lot of thought that went into the recording process but even with all of that, it's still never loses that heart or that character that it was birthed from in the first place, and I think that the persona and that character, is what matters most.

I grew up in the late 80s and 90s listening to music like this and about half the record has that aesthetic rock wise and I think that's why I get that nostalgic undertone and feeling when I listen to some of the songs on this record.

I feel like this has been that each takes their different influences and brings it to the table and that's why you have such an eclectic but confluent record.

There's just about nothing that is cookie cutter involved with this release but there are still plenty of catchy sections and a lot of the time, a great pop overtone.

This record has energy, color, character, a slightly envelope-pushing level of creativity, and surprises which all lead to a very well-woven album.

This is the type of record that you listen to from beginning to end if you can because then it becomes more of an experience than just an album and I feel like that's the way it was meant to be soaked in.

Again, I do come from a time where you would buy an album on CD or cassette or even vinyl record, and you go to take it home, and you didn't just listen to the one or two songs that you heard in the first place, you listen to the whole album at once and that to me is something that we don't get often enough these days because we live in such a single-based society.

There's not a lot wrong with that of course but for me being able to take in this album all at once was a wonderful experience.

Some singles do stand out but again, listen to this whole album at once because it's well worth your time, to say the least.

Dive into this one when you can and remember where you heard it first.

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