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Writer's pictureBuzzSlayers

A Massive Fuzz Rock Soiree from Boozewa

A brand spanking new album release from Boozewa delivers a slightly aggressive but still colorfully fun and edgy fuzz tone soiree of rock genres was melting together and creating an atmosphere that's incredibly sonically driving and I haven't heard a record that felt this good to blast on the highest volume I can in a long time.

The Bon Vivant album is packed with not only character and drive, but it manages to blend elements of classic indie rock, loads of grunge, alternative rock, and more and just roll it into one fat record that it's like a sucker punch to the gut from beginning to end.

There are loads of surprises around the corners and you're reminded of multitudes of bands that you grew up listening to from the 90s and early 2000s which is so incredibly fun because you can really hear those influences soaked into the different songs and you can tell that everyone in this band has an absolute love for their craft and when I say that I don't just mean playing their instruments and singing, I mean putting together songs that are free and have no boundaries around them.

These songs definitely do a little bit more than hint at classic '90s underground alternative and grunge and it's something that feels nostalgic for me and the best ways possible.

The aesthetic that these guys hit is a perfect mixture and a lot of that has to do with the guitar tone and the vocals. Everything else in the band is amazing as well, especially the drumming, but it's the tonality of how they do their songs that reaches out and slaps you in the face.

The energy is completely electric and feels almost like the songs were recorded live-on-the-floor and everyone was just feeding off of each other the entire time.

Even if I'm wrong about the whole live-on-the-floor thing, listening to this record definitely makes you want to go see them live because if the energy is captured this well on a record, then seeing them live would be just face-melting.

You even have elements of punk doom-rock, and just loads more. A lot of times I feel like the bass is the main instrument and not just a guitar. It sounds like it's a big fat distorted bass along with some guitars and I think that this adds to the edginess and the grittiness that the record delivers.

This record is completely infectious and is one of those albums that you should listen to from beginning to end all the way through because even when you think that you've gotten the feel of the record they do throw in some surprises. 

Listening to only one or two songs does not give you the full spectrum of what this record actually has to offer.

Again, that live performance sort of energy is what makes this so infectious and the record thrives in such a charismatic and vivaciously sonic way that you end up walking away from this album almost missing that distortion and that tone.

This was damn fun and hit hard and all the right ways had really smart songwriting and arrangement, and the vocals were dynamically balanced and subtle where they needed to be, and powerful where they needed to be, so everything textually came together so powerfully that the whole record just feels like a blitzkrieg.

If I haven't mentioned the drumming yet then let's do it now because if it wasn't for the drumming being so intense then this record would be completely lackluster because it just wouldn't make sense without such a heavy-handed human behind the kit.

All the elements of these songs complement each other. Each instrument compliments each other.

This was a killer record from beginning to end and if you were a fan of classical alternative, grunge, garage rock, punk rock even, anything big, fuzz tone, and heavy, then this is going to be 100% for you.

Listen to this record and feel free to tell me if I'm wrong.

Don't be afraid to turn this up and remember where you heard it first.

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