A new release just dropped from Lila Gray that incorporates some really cool textures that melt into each other and create an atmosphere that feels like an indie pop dreamscape but with this sort of edginess that lurks just beneath the surface.
"Wild Tension" is completely awesome and really exists on a plane all its own. At times it's reminiscent of underground bands from the early 2000s or even the late 90s with bowed instruments and this indie rock wrapper that coats everything and gives it a certain sheen.
This single is kind of a musical journey and it feels like reading a chapter of a book. As strange is that sounds, it really does. There's something about it that feels like you're being taken to a different place and a different time and you're watching someone else's story.
So yes, there's a boat instrument it sounds like it could be either a cello on the higher end or could be a violin as well it's not super on the forefront layering wise but it's there and it really gives this almost cinematic undertone.
There's also something crisp and sort of youthful about this track too. It may be a bit of emotional drive or passion that the song has.
That aspect is certainly evident as well as the understanding that this song means something to the artist.
This doesn't just feel like a song that was written and released in a few days or that it was meant to be some sort of meaningless single that just sounded really cool.
This has something behind it there are a few layers to be peeled back but in general this is really catchy and has a unique tonality to it that makes it feel good to listen to.
Plus, Lila is an amazing performer and her character and presence really shine on this track. She's got this Allure to her vocals in the way she sings and it all kind of makes you want more and more.
It's also pretty awesome to hear those indie rock roots being so strong on this one.
Even more than that, you hear a little bit more of a harder edge in there somewhere that's just sort of dying to burst through. That great warm, fuzz tone that makes the song so lush against those vocals.
And that's the thing these textures and sounds you'd think that they may bounce off of each other but on this track they don't. They flow with each other and like I said, melt into each other in a way.
At times you can also hear this existential aspect of the song as well in the lyrics. Like 'the time is now, don't let it go' type of thing and with this track it really works.
So, the song doesn't really push the envelope so to speak, but it really gives this artist an amazing way to express yourself and create a song that is essentially pop and is done incredibly well.
Plus, it's charming, catchy, cinematic, addictive, and danceable.
This is certainly one to enjoy from Lila Gray.