Think Sanity released a new single in an effort to ramp up for their next full length album drops and it certainly shows a bright and edgy alternative rock palette complete with soulful vocals and a hard hitting backbone.
Guitars ring out but don't take the stage completely and never overpower the vocals that seem to shine through the song's course.
Everything is very balanced out and the band gives off an anthemic and almost live performance feel at times and the track does show harder edged rock especially drum wise as the soundscape and tonality of the percussion is walking the line of heavy metal.
The song showcases a killer and tasteful style of songwriting that borders on early 200's underground alt math rock and it all comes through with a power behind it that keeps that drive steady.
All in all, this single has guts and glory but also a gracefulness that balances it out nearly perfectly, strong youthful energy that never wavers, and a passion behind every instrument performed.
With such a massive track released, and a full length on the way, we wanted to have a sit down with Think Sanity to find out where this all came from and what we can expect next.
BuzzSlayers: Okay so let's start things off with "Closest To Happy''. This track has a killer alternative rock sound and feels pretty personal! Where did this song come from?
Closest To Happy is most certainly a piece from the heart. All 4 of us put a lot of love into this song, and it all stems from how we personally are able to stay afloat throughout our daily lives and struggles.
BuzzSlayers: I'm certainly hearing some different styles on this one. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
As a band, we tend to enjoy Dance Gavin Dance, The Used, Queens of The Stone Age, Paramore, and soooo many more.
BuzzSlayers: So how did all of this really start for you?
Jack: For me it started with the love of making noise. I've been playing almost all my life, and Think Sanity has become an amazing place for me to express my deepest emotions through my guitar, and not only that, it has changed the way I think about writing music as well. Think Sanity has existed in many forms with various members, but this feels like it may be the purest iteration. These guys push me to be my best.
Trent: I've always loved the lyrical part of creating music and my time in Think Sanity started with my wanting to write songs that could connect with people on a personal level. But before that I played with my wife Andie for several years in a church youth group. The Forming of Think Sanity came from several meetings and performances with the likes of Jack and several other trusted musicians. This particular incarnation of sanity really started in 2020 when we were in need of a new drummer and Jack introduced us to Chris. Ever since then it's been us working hard to push ourselves forward and create bigger better music
Andie: my family encouraged me to get involved in music from a young age, and since then I just fell in love with it. I actually started on piano in a church youth group. I had several teachers and mentors through the years that encouraged and challenged me to push myself further than I thought possible. Meeting Trent was definitely an interesting chance of fate but sometimes the cosmos come together and you just know it’s meant to be. We’ve been making music together for over 10 years now throughout different avenues and we’ve honestly come such a long way in honing our craft. Jack casually slid onto the scene about 3 years ago and even still we’re a completely different band than when he first joined us. With Chris completing our little ensemble in late 2020, I truly believe this is the BEST iteration of Think Sanity, and I am so grateful to my boys because I would be absolutely NOWHERE without them. If you had told me this is where I’d be in ten years, I would NEVER have believed you. Everyday with my boys is an absolute blessing.
Chris: I’ve spent my whole life in “band rooms”. As a child my parents and grandparents operated a traveling southern gospel group named Blood Bought. Having grown up in a musical and southern family middle school was football AND band. Football didn’t work and I got kicked out of band in 7th grade. Then I moved schools where I tried band again and was going to be done because marching band was for nerds and I didn’t want to be a nerd, spoiler alert I’m a total nerd. So in a display of friendship for a friend whose mother was making them participate in marching band, I decided to show up to band camp. The drum instructor was cool and I wanted to be cool so that’s when I actually started taking things seriously. Fast forward through a lot of life experiences and at least a few thousand practice hours, I’m finishing my degree in music education and I ask Jack if he’s got any projects that need a drummer. He tells me Think Sanity is auditioning drummers and so I showed up, we vibed, they asked me to play a show with them. I was so busy and the gig was so close that I was basically playing by ear and improvisation, but the crowd enjoyed the show so the band was set.
BuzzSlayers: Do you do any live performances?
We've been pretty busy with live shows as of late actually. We like to maintain at least 2 a month. Attached below are our upcoming dates!
January 21st: Gadsden, Al @ Atomic Johnny's
February 4th: Chattanooga, Tn @ The Dark Roast w/ Good Deeds Gone
February 19th: Birmingham, Al @ The Nick
W/ Soul Karnival and Jameson Tank
BuzzSlayers: What kind of things inspire you to write?
We draw our inspiration from our daily mental health struggles. We include both the good and bad of our journey towards positive help all in the hopes that listeners can find a place to belong in our music. Some songs like Closest to Happy, are a direct approach in describing dealing with our struggles day to day. While others like Mothra, from our first album, deal with mental health topics while being framed in a more satirical setting.
BuzzSlayers: Can we expect any music videos coming from you this year?
There's a couple things that have been floating around. Nothing solid, but it is definitely not outside the realm of possibilities.
BuzzSlayers: What's next for you as a band? Is there anything new in the works even now?
The next several months for us are going to be focused on promoting our upcoming album, Think Safely, that releases on February 19th, but we have begun the conceptualization and writing process of future releases, to include an EP and a concept album.
BuzzSlayers: What are you all doing when you're NOT working on music?
Jack: I'm usually working or enjoying time with friends. I also try my hand at poetry and filmmaking every so often.
Trent: Well when I'm not with the band or working. I occasionally try my hand at being a writer, I've started several attempts at books. Sometimes I try to develop some art skills but that's mostly just a hobby.
Andie: When I’m not *writing* music, I’m usually listening to it (especially at work) “Always looking for new ways to keep things interesting” (hah!) and when I’m not at work I’m often playing video games or hanging out with friends
Chris: This is kind of a catch 22 for me because working on music is my profession it’s really just a question of whose music. I teach private lessons in percussion and music theory, I teach marching percussion at different schools in GA, and when I’m not doing that I substitute teach for various subjects including when a music educator is absent, be it for a conference or other personal reasons. Outside of work I like to hike, play card games, drink coffee, and watch videos about astrophysics and quantum mechanics. A good Neil DeGrasse Tyson video always puts me in a great Head Space.
BuzzSlayers: This track feels like a big undertaking. What kind of advice would you have for other up and coming bands out there?
The track was quite an undertaking. We all progressed incredibly far as musicians throughout the writing process, and it is incredibly gratifying to look back at. I think the biggest advice we could give is just to keep going, and only weigh yourself against where you were. Don't compare yourself to other acts. Persistence, perseverance, focus, and determination are key.
BuzzSlayers: Okay so you all wake up in the middle of the night starving. What's each of your go-to midnight snacks? (a question of character here)
Trent: shredded cheese on a tortilla for like 30 seconds in the microwave and then add some ranch dressing. Perfect on the go/too tired to care snack.
Jack: a quick bowl of cereal, ice cream, or mac n cheese.
Andie: warm up some frozen chicken strips, bagel bites or corn dogs if i have them handy, otherwise just a classic PB sandwich
Chris: usually leftovers but if not that just some pizza rolls.
BuzzSlayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Being able to express ourselves is a right, but having fans that actually enjoy our music and continuously want more is a blessing that we do not take lightly. We extend major thanks to each and every one of you that has taken the time to check us out. As always, Think Safely friends.