In a brand-new EP release from Love X Stereo, the duo teams up with DA1SY D00M to create cinematic and lush soundscapes that walk the line between an edgy synth-pop record with touches of 90s hints throughout, and a flowing dream pop feel that all together has the ability to completely engulf you and take you to a totally different place.
The EP utilizes such an outstanding use of synths and Beats that let you sort of just swim through these texture-riddled atmospheres and there's something warm and inviting about it all somehow.
You get such a good mix of super futuristic or current sounds that mend with an almost vintage undertone at the same time as songs create their own vibe one by one.
Each one of these tracks can stand on their own two feet as singles without question however, this EP is meant to be soaked in as a whole and it's best done with headphones.
This is a heavy form of escapism, and everyone loves the record that you can get away from your own reality with and step into someone else's.
The energy flow throughout this record is pristine and righteous as you feel like you did in your youth lying in a field staring up at the stars at night.
There is that fantastical and almost magical element to a lot of these songs and they have a way of wrapping themselves around you and keeping you right where they want to which is one of the best parts about the whole thing.
This is a synth-pop record for sure but there's so much more to it in terms of having layers and throughout it all the vocals are so smooth and almost soothing in a way that the record at times makes you almost feel at peace.
Everything about this release is completely graceful and you don't get records like that often anymore, so this was totally refreshing.
You get honest lyrics and swelling sounds let you float away with everything that you hear, and it actually has this summer record vibe to it as well.
That part is something that's a little bit hard to explain but I think it's because of that touch of retro synth pop and synthwave that's involved with the creation of the sounds along with those vocals.
It all has that almost nostalgic feeling that creeps up on you after a few songs and that feels great.
This is something that is important as well. I think we need music that makes us think and makes us feel or songs that can cause our own memories to pop into our heads at random and this record does all of those things.
There are slightly edgy almost haunting elements here and there that Peak their heads through but it all fades into something warm again and it can quickly go from night to sunrise.
There is a lot of attention to detail going on here but throughout it all it never loses that heart and soul it was built with which is probably the most imperative thing about this release.
With such a beautifully woven record we wanted to have a sit down with both Love X Stereo and DA1SY D00M to find out what got them together and why this album happened.
Here's what went down.
Buzz Slayers: Okay, let's start with the / 안녕 ÄNɎƏŊ / EP! This record had flowing yet edgy retro- pop undertone with a dreamy and colorful drift to it! How did this EP come about?
Mindy: Honestly, it came down to a moment when Annie and I were sitting, waiting for fried chicken to-go in Seoul after we had just played a show together. I was performing with Night Dreamer at the time. Annie and I both had non-profit work experience specifically for women’s rights and I remember thinking, “I want to work with Annie in the future.” And thank God I followed up on that thought some 20 months later with an IG message because making this EP together has been the most amazing journey.
Annie: Yes! It was late 2019 just before Covid hit. The show at Senggi Studio in
Seoul was amazing! I remember Mindy’s vibe was so edgy and dark and cool. But
then Covid happened and everything kinda stopped (for all bands in the world, I
guess.) In 2021, me and Toby were writing this song at our studio, and when I saw
her DM, I immediately imagined her voice in the track, which later on became our
first single "자각몽 Lucid / Dreams". The title of the EP 안녕 is actually the
shorthand Korean word for both ‘Hello’ and ‘Good-bye’, and I feel the EP captures
really well of that feeling of lightness and darkness at the same time.
Buzz Slayers: How did this all start for you as a band? When did you two get together?
Mindy: DA1SY DØØM is a flowering concept. It started with some collaborators, and there continue to be a variety of creatives involved. It’s loosely an art group putting forth beautiful music and visuals. I am sort of a spokesperson for now but I suppose that could change one day. So much has come together so quickly for this project that it seems to have a life of its own and I’m honoring that. Working with Love X Stereo and I got together to record this just 1-2 years ago. Time has flown by.
Annie: I think Love X Stereo is kind of that band that can easily collaborate with
anyone. Toby and I used to do punk in the 2000s, but we wanted something new and fresh. When we came up with our band name Love X Stereo in 2011, we put in the ‘X’ in between because not only there was already a band named Love Stereo at that time, but also, we wanted to have that collaborative, synergetic, ambidirectional feeling to it as well. I think it was meant to be like this, to create an amazing album with other amazing talent such as DA1SY DØØM.
Buzz Slayers: This EP is a collaborative effort between Love X Stereo and DA1SY DØØM correct? How did that happen?
Mindy: It was brewing for a while. we started all the music together before knowing how it would be released. The music happens to be DA1SY DØØM’s debut.
Annie: It’s actually a 4-way collaboration of myself, Mindy, Toby, and our producer J- Path. 1 song turned into 5 so fast, so naturally. I think we have such good chemistry, especially me and Mindy. We not only made music together, but made videos together, and we’re promoting together. We went back and forth from Seoul to LA to shoot music videos and live videos together! Everything is collaborative and I really appreciate our friendship for that. Can’t wait to hear more of DA1SY DØØM’s upcoming music, too. It’ll be so awesome!
Buzz Slayers: What kind of things really inspire songs for you?
Mindy: Everything and anything. But lately, intuition and suicide. I’ve never felt more of a reason to sing, record, share music, and perform. I’ve felt stuck, I’ve felt horrible in periods of my life. I totally morphed to another side and I’m really feeling who and what I’ve always wants to be; I am self assured, feeling strong, feeling my intuition.
In that sense, I’m extra inspired these days. Music and songwriting is something I’ve never stopped doing my whole life, but songs and sharing completely crafted songs are currently motivated by the feeling I need to share these important messages- that life can feel dull and boring and brilliant and amazing all at the same time. Life can be beautiful like that.
Annie: For our band, usually inspiration comes from the sound first. (We’re such
nerds.) That’s why we have so many gears I think. We’re digital kids with hearts of
analog. We love all the beautiful, weird sounds that comes up from our stuff, and it is inspiring every time. But also, as a lyricist, it’s also important to look around to see what a good motivation for songwriting could be. That’s why I’m always interested in social issues, current news, movies, books, etc. I think this EP definitely was inspired by Covid ironically, but then again, it has that dream of hope and healing.
Buzz Slayers: This EP has some great styles on it! Can you give us some of your biggest influences musically?
Mindy: Tough to say. I’ll share what I listen to daily: Philip glass, Amiina, Emile
Mosseri, Blonde Redhead, Thom Yorke, to name a few.
Annie: All the music that came from the 90s. Like really. I think that weird era tried
anything and everything. Biggest influences will be: New Order, The Smashing
Pumpkins, The Chemical Brothers, Massive Attack, Underworld.
Buzz Slayers: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
Mindy: I take care of my bunny Snowball aka Mozzarella, my son Code, shoot art
projects with my partner Adrian, and write. I love writing because it helps me dump all my thoughts and nothing feels better to me.
Annie: Yes, I told Mindy, ‘you should write a book’. I’ll buy her book in a heartbeat!
For me, I walk my dog DeeJay, work on voice overs (which pays the bill), exercise,
listen to Conan podcasts, and search for new gears.
Buzz Slayers: Who's in all your headphones right now?
Mindy: Literally our own music. Even after dozens and dozens and dozens of listens
I cry and get goosebumps. I love this album.
Annie: I just finished listening to Foo Fighters’ new album, and I’m telling everyone to listen to it too. Omg, such a beautiful album, post-Taylor. It is heartbreaking as hell,and one of the best albums they ever made so far in my opinion.
Buzz Slayers: Are you guys doing any live performances right now?
Mindy: Hell yeah~ I’m most looking forward to playing live together more. We shot
one live video for Lucid Dreams already.
Annie: We just did a show at KOBA (Korea’s version of NAMM Show), and we’re
getting ready for MU:CON (government music fair in Korea) in September. Love to
bring Mindy to Seoul to do a show together. That’s the ultimate goal!
Buzz Slayers: Did you record yourself or hit a big studio for this? What sort of set up do you have?
Mindy: We did a mixture of recording in LA and Seoul. Love X Stereo has the coolest studio and I’d consider it big for Seoul standards! In LA I record with my producer and engineer Tristan Calder.
Annie: At our studio, a lot of bands come and record. Recently we recorded Galaxy
Express’ new single. Toby is kinda nuts when it comes to gears, not just with
instruments that we play with, but we have a crazy amount of recording gears as
well, which our Dolby Atmos engineer Adrian Hall mentioned at one point, the list is ‘ridiculous’. haha
Buzz Slayers: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
Mindy: A growing fire they can keep fanning.
More albums on the horizon, collabs, and international shows for sure!
Annie: Always, more music, always. It can be singles, remixes, shows, anything, so
keep on following us!
Buzz Slayers: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Mindy: Stay strong. We’ll get through it all together.
Annie: Love you all. I’ll give you a K-pop style response: 응원해 주셔서 감사드리고,
앞으로도 열심히 하는 모습 보여드릴테니, 지켜봐 주세요!