A fresh EP release from Negus Lame delivers an endlessly energetic and unique rap and hip-hop approach that blends classic old-school vibes with futuristic ones as the Styles bring out a profound edginess and robust energy that come together to deliver this character that you end up really getting attached to by the end of the record.
The Crash Landed EP is packed with aggressive rap flows but also catchy ones that revolve around elements of pop-coated lyrical phrasing and it all works like a charm along with these beats that are just outrageous and blend approaches and styles seamlessly but still bring this high impact edge to everything that you hear.
One of my favorite aspects about this record is the simple fact that by the time you get halfway through it you begin to expect the unexpected and this is something that I find extremely rare these days so when you come across it you begin to feel rejuvenated by it.
This record has more than a few surprises around the corners, and I think the collaboration of lyricist, rapper, and producer composer is brilliant because this is something that finally steps outside the box and is created with fewer boundaries than you might be used to which I think is very important these days.
Some of these songs come through really catchy and the lyrical flow is the most addictive part While others come through a little bit more aggressive and underground feeling where the beets
Either way, you're getting something that's avant-garde and super addictive, especially in terms of finally hearing something a bit new when it comes to rap and hip-hop.
The release combines Chicago-based rapper Emmanuel Gates and the Iowa-based composer and producer Corey Peak as the two of them came together to create the record this is a huge part of why this EP works as well as it does.
There styles of production and wrapping fit together like puzzle pieces but not in the normal sense.
They have a way of complimenting each other's style strangely and it's something that creates an atmosphere that you end up getting sucked right into.
There are certainly no walls built around this record but both musically or lyrically and this is what real underground hip-hop looks like.
This was a brilliant record with plenty of fun involved including some samples and deep-rooted bass lines, guitar sections, and just tons of stuff that all come together to make this unique.
I'll be the first to admit that I am certainly a fan of anything that reaches outside the social standards of cookie-cutter songwriting and this entire record is a perfect example of exactly that.
It follows no guidelines and is done purely as a passion project because these two people wanted to come together and make it happen.
This is what real art is all about.
The best part is, even if you're a fan of super mainstream rappers or hip-hop artists, you'll still love the heck out of this record because you get elements of these different influences shining through but just in its own unique process.
I would strongly suggest that you listen to this whole record because this is the kind of release that, if you listen to only one or two songs, you're not really getting the full spectrum of what it has to offer.
The whole release is just under 10 minutes so I'm sure you have the time for it.
If you're looking for new, refreshing hip hop that colors outside the lines then this is exactly for you.
Take a deep dive into this record with headphones on as it's one of the best ways to do it in my opinion and remember where you heard it first.